It is an old middle eastern tradition that when a baby is born, the hair on its head is shaved and the family pays the weight of this hair in gold, silver or jewels to charity.  Altruistic inception.  Cool concept.

This has nothing to do with what we did on the 10th, but I thought that was an interesting take away from a visit to the Sharjah heritage museum (Sharjah is one of the seven emirate states).  

No, no - the 10th was our next to last day here in Dubai and the highlight of our day was a crusade through the open sandy lands of eastern Dubai in big old Nissan SUVs.  This highlight following a great morning site visit to a local manufacturer of cables, Ducab.

Prior to hitting the sandy slopes, our drivers let the air out of tires as one must do to navigate tires through sand.  We then went through a nauseating journey of yelps and laughs until our newish driver popped two tires.  A serendipitous snafu, though, as we got to get out, take in our foreign environment, sand surf, free walk and take 1,000 pictures of ourselves at the scene.

A bit later we were back on the sand and eventually arrived at our destination:  An open air restaurant and market in a small valley surrounded by hills of sand. 

We closed out the night sitting on pillows around a table, taking in lamb kabobs, curried goodness and watching some belly dancing.

Kareha Out.

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