Today we started the first full day of our adventure.  Exhausted and jet lagged after a long trip, we were energized waking up to the bright sunny and warm weather. Our day started at the American University of the Emirates (AUE), where we were given a wonderful introduction to Dubai and the Middle East.  The session was interactive with with administration and professors from AUE interested in learning more about each of our backgrounds.

We attended our first lecture - on culture in the gulf and the professor came nose to nose (literally) with a student in our group while shaking his hand.  The exchange really opened our eyes to how drastically different customs can be.  The lecture also emphasized just how important relationships are in doing business in this part of the world, and talked in depth about the value system here and importance of re  

Next, we were given a tour of AUE by two current students.  It was great to see how proud they were of their palm tree filled, and beautiful campus.  Thank you AUE for a fantastic welcome to Dubai.

We rounded out the day with our welcome dinner on Dubai Creek.  It provided a great opportunity to sample authentic middle eastern cuisine while eating outdoors, on a river bank.   As we ate, boats lit in colorful lights cruised up and down the creek - and many pictures were taken. Music foreign to our ears, yet enticing played in the background.  We ate delicious lamb, hummus, great olives, mint tea, fresh fruit and more. 

We arrived in Dubai today, and have already gained new perspectives on this part of the world.

Already - we can't wait for what awaits for us tomorrow.


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