Throughout our 15 days in Dubai, we have 4 free days: January 1, Friday and Saturday: January 4 and 5 (weekends in this part of the world are Friday and Saturday), and January 11 (Friday).

These four days happen to be blogging holidays, too, but today's worth dishing out some words.  To keep life easy, I'll dish it out in a series of tweets following a brief preface.

A handful of our noble gang rented our bus driver for the day to head out to another of the 7 states that make up the United Arab Emirates: Al Ain (Dubai and Abu Dhabi are each
 states themselves).

#camel: passed by some camel racing on the drive out

#lulu:  thanks Jeff

#legit desert: desert takes many forms here but we drove by classic looking wind swept desert-scapes

#camel: zipped thru camel market, saw camels, more camels and a freshly born goat take first steps #aw

#hafeet: limestone mt, 1300 m tall, BC burial grounds, awesome views

#silk ice cream bars beat the heat

#oasis: greenery in the sand really changes the scenery of the land. #rhyme

#natural hot springs: doggy paddled through 110 deg water, got dizzy, got out, felt great

#leisure cafe: arabian buffet



#lots of flies

#great car convos

#awesome fly by the seat of our pants day

#Kareha Out

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